
Email Marketing: How to renew your enewsletter

Renew your enewsletter text overlaid on a image of a flower garden. There are red, orange, pink, yellow and white flowers in soft focus.

3 tips for creating a not-to-be-missed e-newsletter your followers want to read

Lately, the humble enewsletter is BACK (caps needed). In a big way. As some consumers disengage with social platforms and businesses lose heart in battling algorithms, organisations are returning their focus to their ever-faithful e-marketing. After all, it’s a communication channel you ‘own’. With the push of a button, you can get your message out in your own words to the customers you know. And you know they want to know you. I mean, they’ve opted in to hear from you!

As a result, consumer inboxes are hot property. Tons of EDMs can bombard the same email address. So, if you feel your subscribers are dropping off or your click-through rate is waning – you’re not alone. To gain the attention of your subscribers, lean on your brand. Focus on earning connection and delivering value. That’s how you can shine in their inbox.

Here’s my three tips to renew your enewsletter:

1.   Be interesting

First and foremost, let’s strip back the humble enewsletter to what it is. It’s a branding effort. An engagement tool. Consider each newsletter as one chapter of your story, where each one connects to the next to create an overall narrative. The goal is that when you pop into the inbox, your subscribers are eager to open it. They are emotionally invested in your news. They value it. Because it gives them knowledge or entertainment that has a positive impact on their life.

As such, it’s essential that the content of regular newsletters is written for your audience. Not your business. Put yourself in the shoes of who you are writing for and create content that gives them the knowledge or entertainment that they’ve grown to love from you. That doesn’t mean you can’t share the news that’s important to your business. It means that when you frame it in a way that is important to your customer, you meet their needs (knowledge or entertainment). And your own (business goals).

For example, you are launching a new product. Let’s say it’s a shampoo. And you want to tell your subscribers that you’ve got it so you can start selling it. Ask yourself: why is the new product important to your subscriber? What problem does it solve that makes their life easier/better/enriched?

In this example, let’s say one of the shampoo’s benefits is that it adds moisture to hair. So, the news isn’t “we’ve got a great new shampoo!”. The news is, “We have the solution to your dry hair problems this autumn. It’s this kick-ass shampoo – it’s new and we’re so proud to have it. Because solving your everyday hair challenges with easy solutions is what we’re about.”

2.   Send it strategically

If you aren’t getting the results you’d like for your newsletter, deep dive into your data dashboard. Read your click-map and investigate how and when your subscribers are opening your enewsletter. Consider:

  • Is your audience reading it on a desktop computer or mobile? How might this affect how they read your content?
  • How long after you hit send do they read your newsletter? When does it peak? Can you try adjusting your release time for a better connection?
  • What stories do they read and click-on? What common themes can inform how you share your news with your audience – is there a popular content type or theme they prefer?
  • Why do people unsubscribe? Whilst losing subscribers is a natural evolution as humans are constantly evolving, don’t discard this data. Listen to the feedback provided and consider trialling different release times, frequency and formats.

3. Be short and snappy

Writing effective and engaging newsletters is a skill. In addition to listening to your subscribers (hello dashboard data), a good and effective newsletter:

  • Is short and succinct.
  • Connects to your website. Yep, each snappy section of content should link the reader to a landing page, blog article, or product description to get the whole story.
  • Is easy to read. Be mobile-friendly and chose a user-friendly format.

Don’t have time to write a monthly enewsletter?

I can help you to create the content you need. I am a brand copywriter that loves to help businesses shine online. I write newsletters, brand broadcasts, or email sequences that are engaging and effective. Sound like you? Get in touch if you’d like to chat more.

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